流沙包 Lau Sa Bao
流沙包對於大家應該一點都不陌生吧~ 最愛它那如熔岩般溢出的流沙餡, 每次臨吃時都有衝動趁熱大咬一口, 但吃這包時偏偏要有矝持, 不可以心急, 稍有不慎就會如噴漿一樣濺到週圍, 相信這畫面你和我也深有同感吧 >O<
Lau Sa Bao, which is a soft bun filled with custard melt with salted egg yolk inside. "Lau Sa" means "flowing sand", I love elegant Chinese names for food , Of course, the flowing sand bun contains no sand. It is made with salted egg yolks, butter and sugar that basically melt into a thick viscous liquid after steaming. It tastes sweet with a hint of saltiness, I understand some people may not like the salted egg, but this custard is different, even a salted egg hater like it.
Lau Sa Bao, which is a soft bun filled with custard melt with salted egg yolk inside. "Lau Sa" means "flowing sand", I love elegant Chinese names for food , Of course, the flowing sand bun contains no sand. It is made with salted egg yolks, butter and sugar that basically melt into a thick viscous liquid after steaming. It tastes sweet with a hint of saltiness, I understand some people may not like the salted egg, but this custard is different, even a salted egg hater like it.